Woodlands township collective bargaining fire fighters
Woodlands township collective bargaining fire fighters

Wash your hands after handling turnout gear.Apparatus cabs should be cleaned regularly and after every fire.

woodlands township collective bargaining fire fighters

  • When transporting gear in personal vehicles, it should be in a sealed container or bag, and preferably NOT transported in the passenger compartment.
  • woodlands township collective bargaining fire fighters

    Turnout gear should NOT be taken into firehouse living areas.Until PFAS is fully removed from turnout gear, the IAFF and Metro Chiefs are asking fire fighters to reduce exposure to PFAS in turnout gear by using the following precautions: Identifying safe and effective PFAS-free materials for turnout gear is a long and challenging process. Recent studies have shown that all three layers of fire fighter turnout gear contain Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), a class of fluorinated chemicals known as “forever chemicals” which have been linked to cancer and other serious health effects.1,2 These studies highlight the risks associated with the materials and finishes used in turnout gear even before it is exposed to its first fire.

    woodlands township collective bargaining fire fighters

    The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association (Metro Chiefs) have come together to notify members of the adverse health risks from fire fighter turnout gear. For the most up-to-date information, visit:

    Woodlands township collective bargaining fire fighters